Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

Lets create an welcoming atmosphere, for all members of the Fusion Fortress community to interact and socialize together. Your contribution is key, to achieving this goal.

The Community Guidelines pertain to everyone who engages with Fusion Fortress games and services and outline the expected behavior when interacting with members of the community. There are instances provided below as illustrations of situations. These guidelines encompass a broader scope beyond them.

It is simple to adhere to the guidelines; however if they are violated we will take measures possibly leading to a prohibition, from participation.

Community Rules:
  • Playing fairly and abiding by the rules are aspects to consider when engaging in any activity or game situation—avoid cheating or causing disruptions, to others experiences, by teaming up or exploiting loopholes for personal gain.
  • Avoid participating in activities that're risky or, against the law.
  • It is important to respect the privacy of others and refrain from sharing information belonging to users except, for their display name. It is highly advised to keep your information confidential and not disclose it to others.
  • Outcomes vary as we evaluate each breach of the rules on a case, by case basis.
  • If you come across a player who is breaking the rules of the community or not meeting the content requirements while playing the game you have the option to report them within the game itself.
  • Keep your information safe and secure to protect your privacy and well being.
  • Fusion Fortress strongly opposes intolerance and discrimination of any kind making it clear that such behavior will not be accepted within its premises.
  • Be kind and respectful, to others while interacting and participating in activities to avoid bullying and conduct.
  • Do not act like someone you're not. Avoid impersonating individuals such, as players or streamers while playing on Fusion Fortress or interacting with its employees.
  • Content, in the Fusion Fortress ecosystem should aim to foster interactions and experiences, for users while upholding standards of communication and activities.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!